Wednesday 1 May 2013


Kennings are alive and well and living in Rochdale.
I  quickly put together a Canny Kennings competition to celebrate the launch of the new Rochdale Central Library at Number One Riverside.
here are some of the entries.
Hollie won with this incredibly imaginative Kenning
play together
nasty never
growing stronger
something sweeter
never better
friends forever

what am I?


I've never seen a Kenning that has used emotion for its theme. Usually we have objects, people or animals. What a brilliant twist.

Libby contibuted one about  my favourite amphibian
big jumper
loud croaker
green hopper
pond swimmer
fly eater
non drinker

what am I?

a frog!

Anum gave us

eye sighter
blue tweeter
game keeper
name signer
large facer
time holder

what am I?

a computer

Zak's Kenning goes like this

green monster
fire breather
tail swisher
loud roarer
scaly eater
terrible man muncher
sharp scratcher

what am I?

a dragon

Rochdale has very talented young people who enjoy playing with words

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