Friday 8 April 2016

End Of Life Care

Words are powerful. They contain power, they are the ultimate power. That is why we must be careful with the words we choose. Ultimately, the wrong words could bring about the destruction of the planet.
So I shouldn't have been surprised yesterday when the power of words caused me to cry out loud, in public. I was at our monthly Touchstones Creative Writing Group, this month's guest facilitator was the wonderful James Nash. We had written a few short pieces, what object would you rescue from your childhood house if it was burning down, what photograph brings back memories, what smell evokes childhood.
I decided to write a piece about photographs, in particular the photographs currently hanging in my mother-in-law's room in her care home. She is not very well at the moment, in fact she is under end of life care. The writing of the words was business as usual. When, as usual, we were asked to share our work the floodgates opened. I finished, stunned, the room was stunned, James was stunned.
The power of words can destroy you.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Roald Dahl meets William Shakespeare

This year marks at least two significant anniversaries, the death of William Shakespeare 400 years ago and the birth of Roald Dahl 100 years ago. These events are being celebrated nationwide and here in Rochdale we also want to mark the moment. Shakespeare is thought to have been born on 23rd September, though many sources state that this is uncertain. What is known is that he died on that date, so if we have his birth date right he is one of that rare breed that was born and died on the same day of the year.
Plans for both celebrations are well under way here. Roald Dahl will be celebrated in the Summer Reading Challenge, this year called The Big Friendly Read. Children who take part read six books, they do not have to be written by Roald Dahl, any book counts and here in Rochdale that includes the Ebooks we have available. The Dahl theme will carry on to this year's Rochdale Literature and Ideas Festival, where the children and families events will be under the umbrella title of The Big Friendly Festival.
Shakespeare celebrations have already taken place, with more marked for April 23rd and a week in May, so watch this space.